Wednesday, August 12, 2015

End of the Journey

When we visited the Chinese temple in Malaysia, there is a bowl full of sticks that are labeled with a number. The objective is to gather the sticks and drop them back into the bucket. Whichever stick stands out the tallest is your fortune. Mine states that I am at a crossroads, and that couldn't be more accurate. As I return back to the U.S. it is bittersweet as I end my graduate career and enter the world of job hunting and (hopefully) a career.

After completing such an intensive and exciting course on Malaysia and Indonesia, I am returning back to the U.S. starting a new chapter in my life. This is the last course of my graduate career and it’s the best way to end. While traveling and going to each site visit, it reinstated my goals to work internationally and how much I love to learn and experience new cultures and places. I have learned so many things about the region that can be transferred into professional life and I can't wait to see what the future holds.

Prambanan Hindu Temple, Yogyakarta  

Borobudur Buddhist Temple, Yogyakarta

Entrance of Prambanan 

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