He’s soft spoken and rarely talks unless necessary, which are characteristics that are seen as rare in politicians. It’s to the point that any policy recommendations have to be short, concise and enumerate the pros & cons of any policy in order for him to even hear it.
2. He’s Un-touched by Corruption
Since Jokowi was an ordinary citizen before election, he's seen as untainted by the country's endemic corruption. This idea is bolstered by his tough stance against corruption, nepotism and intolerance that flourished during Suharto’s time.
3. He’s Popular with the Urban Youth & Represents their Will
During elections he promised to focus on social reforms such as, education, health, poverty reduction, and modern technology, including e-governance.
4. His Vision is to Look Inward
Jokowi doesn’t have any foreign policy experience, so a lot of his policies are inward looking. He generally strays out of regional issues or integration policies, such as the TTP.
5. His Policies Focus on Becoming a Maritime Nation
He’s dedicated to increasing maritime security, while still seeking to transform Indonesia into a maritime power. He’s working towards enhancing inter-island connectivity, as well as upgrading for infrastructure within the archipelago. The increased levels of nationalism and their maritime doctrine have resulted in the recent increase in the sinking of ships.

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